That's 10 betting shops in less than 150 metres! There are also shed loads more bookies now in the West End and you can pretty much guarantee that your never too far from a Ladbrokes or a William Hill.
Leicester square now even has a huge Betfred betting shop down at the bottom end near the theatre ticket stand. It holds more visual dominance to the square than any of the nightclubs with its brightly lit red and blue lettering. Why are they getting so prominent?
One thing I'd love everyone to understand about my campaign is that it's not simply about gambling addiction. I'v said it from the start that things are getting out of hand with these betting shops...just look at how many there are now in high streets, on housing estates and even train stations .
What used to be your local market, Woolworths or shoe shop a lot of the time have turned into Ladbrokes, William hills or Costa Coffee and Cafe Nero's.
We'r getting closer and closer to becoming complete slaves to a machine and people better wake up and realise it. When not one piece of land, housing or business premises is owned by the working people then where will be? In slavery! And that is what is going on whether it is intentionally planned or not.
This isn't the first time that Chinese community in London have publicly raised their concerns about betting shops taking over the west-end. I remember they were out a few years back trying to stop another William Hill opening and obviously nobody in any useful position of 'power' has listened and opened up their heart to them.
Just count the amount of bookies you walk past. Think back at what they used to be. There was a good chance that you even knew the people that owned it.
Things just aren't like that any more. There's more power to the few over the many than ever before and until people start wanting a bit more for their communities then we will just have to keep putting up with betting shops muscling their way into all of the high streets and community spaces.
I cannot think of any reason whatsoever why betting shops all over high streets could be of any benefit to anyone except the profiteer. Betting shop staff might argue that it keeps them in a job but it's a selfish view in my opinion. There's just no reason why they have to be everywhere.
Until everyone gets as peed-off as me about this then we'r heading more and more into totalitarianism I'm afraid. Business's are being muscled out right now as we speak and often it's the betting shops that are the only ones that can afford to pay the high rent's that many are now facing.
You can read the article about Chinatown here >