Neuroliberation: Betting shops and gambling addiction, film by Ben Westwood,
Neuroliberation2012, Youtube channel by Ben Thacker,
Britain's High Street Gamble, documentary by Dispatches on Channel 4,
Get betting shops to have in-shop photo cameras for purpose of more effective self exclusion process -
Petition to uk government - Bookmakers (betting shops) and advertising, petition set up by Ben Thacker,
Eric Pickles: Let people control their high streets, petition set up by Rowena Davis,
Stop betting shops taking over our high street - Deptford High Street,
Stop betting shops taking over our high street - Deptford High Street,
Campaigns & Organisations
GRASP: Gambling Reform and Society Perception, gambling addiction charity founded and run by former compulsive gamblers,
High Streets First: Putting local democracy before betting shops, set up by Rowena Davis and the charity GRASP,
NORCAS, independent charity working with people with alcohol, drug and gambling problems,
MP David Lammy, Tottenham. Don't gamble with our community,
MP David Lammy, Tottenham. Don't gamble with our community,
Britain's new addicts: women who gamble online, at home and in secret, article by Tracy McVeigh for The Guardian Observer,
Escape from gambling hell, article by Simon Murphy for The Guardian,
Facebook 'creating a generation of gambling addicts because of site's Las Vegas style games', article by Keith Gladdis for The Daily Mail,
Gambling and Me: The Real Hustler, by Alex Conran for the BBC,
Gambling is rife among 17-year-olds, says report 'delayed' by charity's merger with gaming industry group, article by Daniel Boffey for The Guardian Observer,
Government refuses to change law on betting shop planning, by David Lammy,
Powers to stop betting shop proliferation blocked by Tories and Lib Dems, by David Lammy,
Reducing gambling regulation will ruin more lives, article by Rowena Davis for The Guardian,
Terence Blacker: Why help people ruin their lives?, article by Terence Blacker for The Independent,
The problem with gambling: New figures show more people than ever are ruining their lives, article by Neasa MacErlean for The Independent,
When bookies are more common than post offices, Britain has a problem, article by Rowena Davis for The Daily Mail,
When going to work is far from a safe bet, article by Simon Murphy for The Guardian,
Why the Chinese community is a dead cert for bookies, article by Rowena Davis for The Guardian,
Young people at risk of internet gambling addiction, article by Castle Craig for The British Psychological Society,
Gambling Addiction,
Gambling addiction, by Dr Trisha Macnair,
gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk
gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk gambling addiction uk